Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some News

We have finally decided to tell everybody since my protruding belly is attracting some stares and funny looks on people faces. We are 11 weeks pregnant. And, yes, we planned this pregnancy. We are thinking that this is our last. We sure love out little munchkins, and we feel we are not the best at managing even their kaos.

Anyway, we have not yet been to the doctor for the first visit. Zac changed jobs in mid January, so our new insurance doesn't kick in until mid February. So, more details are to come.

Other than that, we are just trying to live through the redudancies of life and mom feeling yucky everyday. Poor Jack and Piper, they haven't been out much since Christmas. I am hoping that the sickness decreases soon. We will see though.

P.S. We think it is a boy this time and are in dire need of some name suggestions. Feel free to leave any if you like.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! We are so, so, so excited for you! Hopefully you start feeling better, and we would LOVE to see you guys sometime. Anyway, Congratulations again!!!

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. A name I just learned I like is Payton for a boy, but it is not celtic so we will never use it (if we ever have more kids). If you need help with anything just let me know. Good luck with everything!

sara said...

HEIDI!! yea!! i'm so excited! our kids will be so close! CONGRATULATIONS! i feel so dumb that i've been complaining to you about being sick and the whole time you've been dealing with it yourself and with 2 kids! wonder woman!! greg & i had no idea on a name if this one was a boy either. boy names are hard! YEA! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS! can't wait to see this belly of yours! :)

mathroes said...

Congratulations! Hope you feel better soon...

Rebecca said...

congrats. How exciting. Hope you get feeling better.

Emily said...

Yeah! I've been waiting for this to appear on your blog! BJ is calling everyone to make sure they have looked at your blog now. :o) Hope you get feeling better soon! Love you guys! Thanks for letting us visit last weekend... it was a blast!

Wendy said...

YEAH!!! I'm so excited for you! I hope that you start feeling better soon. Congratulations1

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

The stares were those admiring your beauty, not your belly! I'm excited for you. What about the name xavier!

Marianne said...

Ha Ha Ha, I am laughing so hard about your "surprise (that was planned)" that is too funny. I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. If I lived closer I would offer to help. Every day I feel like I will lose my mind over the chaos over here too. Ever since I've had kids I have a new respect for the amount of noise/mess/tantrums/etc. that parents of large families have to go through. Not sure how many we'll end up with.

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...
