Tuesday, July 28, 2009

4 Weeks and Counting

I decided that 4 weeks is an okay amount of time to wait for our little boy. I cannot believe how fast this summer has gone. We are a little scared to have a third child to add to the mix, but hopefully all will go well. What can we do now - what's done is done (he he he).

I had an ultra sound last week and the radiologist said that everything looked great and that our little guy was measuring about 5 days late (putting my due date at August 30 instead of August 25). I was half expecting that.

I wanted to post some updated pictures of our little kids, so here are some.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Piper's Birthday

I guess that we are lame parents because we decided to just have a small family birthday party for Piper's second birthday. She was so cute and loved every minute of her birthday. Jack loved it, too, since he was able to help her open her gifts and play with them. They both loved having pink cupcakes with chocolate icing (Piper picked out the combination). Here are a few pictures of her on her birthday (April 19th).
So here is Jack, but he is adorable, too.

This is Piper's excited face. I can't believe we actually caught it on camera.

I guess that we are lame parents because we decided to just have a small family birthday party for Piper's second birthday. She was so cute and loved every minute of her birthday. Jack loved it, too, since he was able to help her open her gifts and play with them. They both loved having pink cupcakes with chocolate icing (Piper picked out the combination). Here are a few pictures of her on her birthday (April 19th).

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some News

We have finally decided to tell everybody since my protruding belly is attracting some stares and funny looks on people faces. We are 11 weeks pregnant. And, yes, we planned this pregnancy. We are thinking that this is our last. We sure love out little munchkins, and we feel we are not the best at managing even their kaos.

Anyway, we have not yet been to the doctor for the first visit. Zac changed jobs in mid January, so our new insurance doesn't kick in until mid February. So, more details are to come.

Other than that, we are just trying to live through the redudancies of life and mom feeling yucky everyday. Poor Jack and Piper, they haven't been out much since Christmas. I am hoping that the sickness decreases soon. We will see though.

P.S. We think it is a boy this time and are in dire need of some name suggestions. Feel free to leave any if you like.