Saturday, November 8, 2008


We had a blast this Halloween. I believe we started celebrating Halloween in the middle of September. We watched the first 20 minutes of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and that was all that was needed to get Jack hooked on the movie and on Halloween. We are still painting pumpkins and drawing ghosts because Jack and Piper love it so much. I tried to get Jack to draw a turkey with me (using our handprints) but his interest only lasted 10 minutes or so.

Here are a few pictures of our kids in their Halloween costumes. They had a blast this year trick or treating. Luckily Jack didn't have the stomach flu like last year, so we partied hard and trick or treated all over town.
This was our run through the night before Halloween.

This is a picture of Piper biting through the wrapper of a 3 Muskateers Bar. She is so like her mother - Give me chocolate and give it to me now.Jack would not wear his mask or get his face painted, so he somewhat looked like a Power Ranger although he has no idea what a Power Ranger is. He originally wanted to be Jack Skellington from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" but when it came crunch time, he didn't want to dress up in black or get his face painted (or wear his skeleton gloves). Thankfully I had bought a Power Ranger costume in September and kept it just in case we needed it (which we did).

Kids really do make holidays so much more fun.